📄️ Overrides
The Overrides feature allows specifying configurations that differ from your default setup and only apply to a specific group of products. Overrides can be set for a whole Category or selected Products.
📄️ Requirements
Requirements offer the option to specify additional criteria that need to be reached in order to unlock a specific product and make it available for purchase.
📄️ Shop Items
ShopItem prefabs visualize IAP products in your shop at runtime. These prefabs have a ShopItem2D component attached to them, which has references to every important aspect of the item - to descriptive labels, the buy button, icon sprite and so forth. Based on the product's inventory state in the DBManager, shop items show or hide different portions of their prefab instance.
📄️ Window Prefabs
The example scenes not only contain products, but some windows for extended functionality, too. Note that each of these windows can be customized, replaced by your own or removed completely.
📄️ Storage Encryption
📄️ Receipt Validation
With your IAPs set up, you may want to add an extra layer of security to your app, which prevents hackers to just unlock items by using IAP crackers, sending fake purchases or simply overwrite its local database storage. Receipt validation could help at fighting IAP piracy. With UniPay, you have several options on how to use receipt validation in your app.