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Anti-Cheat Toolkit integration


Anti-Cheat Toolkit is a third-party asset that can be purchased separately on the Unity Asset Store.

When using Anti-Cheat Toolkit (ACTk) for encryption of UniPay's local database storing in-app purchase and other player data, it is not completely impossible to get hacked anymore, however it does a pretty good job on making cheater's life extremely hard. ACTk offers:

  • Obscured Prefs
  • Obscured Files
  • Code Hash Generator
  • Time Cheating Detector
  • Injection Detector
  • 10+ years of support already
  • ... and more!

As such, and especially due to its ease of use, it also comes in handy outside of UniPay. So in case you do not own ACTk already, you might want to think about giving it a try!

Enabling ACTk support in UniPay is a two-step process:

  1. Navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Code Stage > Anti-Cheat Toolkit. Under Conditional Compilation Symbols, enable ACTK_IS_HERE.


  1. On the IAPManager prefab and its DBManager component, set the Encryption Type to Anti Cheat Toolkit.


Done! Depending on the selected DBManager Storage Target, data saved on the device is now encrypted via ACTk:

Storage TargetEncryption Type
Player PrefsObscured Prefs
Persistent Data PathObscured File Prefs

If you are using PlayerPrefs as your storage target, you can also inspect currently stored data using the ACTk PlayerPref window.